The Light People
There have been about 2 DVD’s circulating about the "Enlightened Ones" expositing a lot of Issues with industry & their involvement. I for one didn’t Like it- didn’t want to see it... but just recently It made its way to my house... but as much as I didn’t want to see it, I wanted to just to clear my head.
So the story is, [Creation, War In Heaven, Fallen Angels, SIN- then destruction & mayhem ever since.]
“If thou eat of this fruit, thine eyes shall be opened, & yee shall surely die.”
Now, My BIGGEST Question is, the all seeing all knowing- Knows what he is about to do before he does it, and also KNOWS what will happen as a Result. But he HAS the power to alternate things, but just does it a LITTLE BIT to change the outcome.
Simply put- Since the beginning of time GOD knows that Man would fall- Angels too.
Also, he knew that if he Had an ANGEL in his Midst with certain privileges that one day that ANGEL is going to turn against him & take 1/3 of his ANGELS with him in search of his Own Power..
But yet still he created it all…………….
This kinda gives me the Feeling that there are More SUPERNATURAL beings out there- even though it is Written “I AM THAT I AM, & NO OTHER COMES BEFORE ME”…
I’m still both Perturbed & Amazed at the same time over this Awesomeness….
It’s like watching a good action movie & the GOOD Guy is been beaten to MARSH! But in the end even though he is ½ alive & it took him the entire NIGHT to get rid of the BAD Guy he still wins by a NARROW Margin….. Hurt, barefoot, bloody Marino, or porbly unconscious & wake up days after.
When I was much younger, my cousin told me that there is something that is much greater than MONEY that Man Discern.. & that was POWER- Power? How so?
Well, offer a Man a Community in exchange for an Act & see how fast he does it.
Offer him 3 Million Dollars… watch the reaction time & if you offer just a Little bit more I’m almost Certain he is going to come & get YOUR Money.
Money is an Agent of Exchange, Root of all Evil, the 2nd Key to True Success & now a Basic Essential of almost every human being.
These Light people realized that & based on research these people aren’t DUNCE. They are Geniuses who have spanned right through the ages. From the development of the WHEEL to COLD FUSESION REACTORS- now ANTI-MATTER ENERGY, Scientist have been weaving their way to prove that supernatural power does not exist. But Science only goes so far.
Our Music, Lifestyle, Dress Codes Socio-Economical & Social backgrounds are all calculated & by yourself YOU CAN’T WIN.
“for we are NOT fighting against common Flesh & Blood- but Principalities & Powers”
There is a serious war going on, -WAR FOR THE SOULS
There are many Speculations as to when GOD should return- YES those same Atheist Scientist.
So it’s your choice, GOD or the Devil, it’s all up to you- GOD Gave us choice, to me it’s like running a little experiment, but we can’t fathom GOD’s thought process.
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